
WorldClock is the definitive desktop clock program for Windows offering timezone, timesync, alarm, reminder, and calendar functionality. WorldClock.Classic also gives you the option of enhancing your desktop wallpaper with time, weather, calendar, and sun/moon information. You can also replace your wallpaper image with a map of the world showing user-selectable location panels displaying the local date/time in those locations. WorldClock's geo-database contains over 1500 locations covering most of the major locations across the world. WorldClock also has excellent support for multi-monitor systems (up to three monitors).

WorldClock.Net offers all of the same information as WorldClock.Classic but presents it in a standard window instead of your desktop wallpaper. Additionally, it also allows you to access your Google or Outlook 365 calendar and display your personal schedule for the day or for a user-definable future time period (up to 12 months).

Please go to the WorldClock.Net and WorldClock.Classic pages for a more detailed description of their features.

You can download totally free trial versions of WorldClock.Net and WorldClock.Classic (as well as their screen saver implementations) on the Downloads page. Although fully functional, these trial versions have a few limitations placed on certain features; please refer to the Downloads page for more information.

If you're a licensed user, please visit the What's New page on occasion for the latest information on software updates and other WorldClock news.

All versions of WorldClock are fully compatible with Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11. Please note that with the latest releases of WorldClock.Classic (v7.x) and WorldClock.Net (v1.x) WorldClock is no longer compatible with Windows XP or earlier. Also note that all versions of WorldClock require Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. If you're running Windows 8 or higher you should already have this as it's a standard component of these operating systems. But if you're running Windows Vista or 7, the WorldClock installer will automatically download it from the Microsoft website and install it for you.

WorldClock uses the weather data provider for its weather features. Although their service is free (500 calls/day), they require users to obtain an API Key in order to use their service. We have provided this PDF document that details the process of obtaining this API key from and how to then activate the weather features in WorldClock.

Lastly and FYI, please note that the following features require an internet connection:

  • TimeSync
  • Email
  • Geocode (your geographic location)
  • Weather*
  • Google/Office 365 Calendar Schedule*
* These features additionally require an always-on internet connection for functional use.

Thank you for your interest in WorldClock. 🙏

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